Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Homestead

I bought a new toy last week and couldn't wait to use it.  In fact…I took a portrait lens with me climbing because the wide angle I ordered hadn't arrived yet.  Nonetheless, I was thoroughly impressed with the quality of the images I captured.  Impressed enough to inspire a blog entry from Arizona!

Since arriving back in the US to start work in June, I have managed to continue to pursue my climbing, traveling, and exploratory dreams within the country from California to Nevada to Kentucky, New York, Massachusetts, Texas, and [of course] Indiana.  I am still a wanderlust.  My travels earlier this year did not fulfill my desires to see the world but instead fed them.  I know it is hard for many to understand this and at times very stressful for my family.  I only ask that my family and friends be open-minded, be supportive, and trust that I am experienced and know what I am doing!

As much as I love seeing other countries and cultures, I am excited to say that I have finally made a decision to spend a few months traveling around the Western US for ski season this winter.  And I plan on doing it similarly to how I travel other countries. I am staying with some friends in certain places but plan on winging the rest and am so eager to see what the US has to offer.

Now back to the topic at hand…last weekend!  I spent many of good weekends last year at a climbing area called The Homestead, a couple hours drive from Phoenix.  This was my first weekend to go back there in a year, and I was able to spend it with most of the same people.  I know this sounds cheesy and disgusting, but it was absolutely splendid! :-)  And here are the pictures of the weekend that I have promised.

 My friends the big horn sheep.

 Dr. Nick hanging around

 Dan was super excited for the rock we found!  We were both calling dibs on the tufas :)

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